All posts in Waste Management
Discarded orange peels sprout a forest in Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a major producer of oranges, but local orange juice-making companies tend to have little use of orange peels. So in 1998 one of those juice makers dumped 12,000 tons of peels and leftover pulp on a barren
A simple way to reduce food waste
We live in an era when people across the developed world eat more and better than any other time in history. That’s certainly a good thing. What’s not so good: an epidemic of obesity and record levels of food waste.
Europe sets out to tackle its waste problems
Currently less than a third, or 30%, of the 25 million tons of plastic waste collected for recycling within the European Union gets recycled. By 2025, however, that amount will have almost doubled to 55%; by 2030, to 60%; and
Plastic-eating insects could help save the planet
A solution to the scourge of plastic waste around the planet may come from an unlikely source: worms. Wax worms, to be precise. Federica Bertocchini, a European scientist who is an amateur beekeeper, recently discovered that Galleria mellonella grubs, which are small parasitic creatures